Living Trend Seminar

Living Trend Seminar, hosted by Designhouse and organized by Monthly <Homeliving & Style>, is a major event of Seoul Living Design Fair that aims to enhance the professionalism of domestic living & lifestyle industry players and trend researchers by sharing expertise and technology and deriving insights through lectures by domestic and global experts.

2024 | Living Trend Seminar

The clock of trends never stops ticking. While people live following trends, ironically, people create those trends. Ultimately, the core of the trend lies in the vision and choices of individuals. The Living Trend Seminar at the Seoul Living Design Fair will share inspiration and insights for vision and choices through the stories of creative directors and designers from global brands.


 | Feb 28, 202410:30 - 18:00 (Break time 13:00 - 14:15)


 | Seoul COEX Conference room 401


Tickets are available on online

End presale when tickets are sold out
* Ticket price includes VAT. Based on 1 ticket per person.* No tax invoice will be issued.* Cancellation and refund policies are based on the date of visit and are non-transferable.* Tickets after the visit date will be automatically treated as used and cannot be refunded after the refund policy deadline, regardless of whether the ticket is used or not.

Admission Procedure

Visit the onsite registration desk
Verify visitor's identity (check your reservation information)
Issuance of admission ticket
Purchase tickets onsite

Sold at the onsite registration desk

Onsite purchase is not possible if the capacity is exceeded
* Ticket price includes VAT. Based on 1 ticket per person.* No tax invoice will be issued.* Onsite purchases are automatically treated as used and cannot be canceled, refunded, or transferred, regardless of whether the ticket is used or not.

Admission Procedure

Visit the onsite registration desk
Check remaining tickets
Make Payment
Onsite registration (scan QR code)
Issuance of admission ticket
Design House


Copyright ©Seoul Living Design Fair.
All rights reserved.


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